Baltagi, B.H., Bresson, G. and J-M. Etienne, 2025, Estimation of serially correlated error components models using Whittle's approximate maximum likelihood method, in Seven Decades of Econometrics and Beyond. A tribute to the life and work of Marc Nerlove, Baltagi, B.H. and L. Mátyás, (eds.), Advances Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics, Springer, New York (forthcoming).
Bresson, G., Etienne, J-M and G. Lacroix, 2025, Nighttime light pollution and economic activities: a spatio-temporal model with common factors in U.S. counties, in Advances in Econometrics, Econometrics of Climate, Energy, and Green Transition, Fomby, T., Hillebrand, E. and M. Friedrich, (eds.), Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics, Springer, New York (forthcoming).
Baltagi, B.H., Bresson, G., Chaturvedi, A. and G. Lacroix, 2025, Robust dynamic space–time panel data models using ε-contamination: an application to crop yields and climate change, in Advances in Applied Econometrics, Celebrating Peter Schmidt’s Legacy, Kumbhakar, S.C., Sickles, R. and H-J. Wang (eds.), Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics, volume 55, Springer, New York (forthcoming).
Baltagi, B.H., Bresson, G. and J.M. Etienne, 2024, Two-way random effects model with serial correlation, Empirical Economics, Special Issue in Honor of Professor Robin Sickles, 1-32, Dec. 19, 2024,
Baltagi, B.H., Bresson, G. and J.M. Etienne, 2024, A pretest estimator for the two-way error component model, Econometrics, 12(2), 9, 1-15 (available online April, 16 2024).
Baltagi, B.H and G. Bresson, 2024, Modelling housing using multidimensional panel data, in The Econometrics of Multi-Dimensional Panels. Theory and Applications, Mátyás L. (ed.), Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics, volume 54, 2nd edition, Springer, New York, 413-453.
Bresson, G. and A. Chaturvedi, 2023, Dynamic space-time panel data models: an eigendecomposition-based bias-corrected least squares procedure, Spatial Statistics, 56, August, 100758 (available online June, 17 2023).
Baltagi, B.H., Bresson, G., Chaturvedi, A. and G. Lacroix, 2023, Robust dynamic space-time panel data models using ε-contamination: An application to crop yields and climate change, Empirical Economics, Special Issue in Honor of Professor Peter Schmidt, vol. 64, issue 6, 2475-2509, (available online December, 31 2022).
Beltempo, M., Bresson, G. and G. Lacroix, 2023, Using machine learning to predict nosocomial infections and medical accidents in a NICU, Health and Technology, Vol. 13, Issue 1, 75-87.
Beltempo, M., Bresson, G., Etienne, J.M. and G. Lacroix, 2022, Infections, accidents and nursing overtime in a neonatal intensive care unit, The European Journal of Health Economics, 23(4), 627-643, (available online October, 19 2021).
Baltagi, B.H., Bresson, G., Chaturvedi, A. and G. Lacroix, 2022, Robust dynamic panel data models using ε-contamination, in Advances in Econometrics. Essays in Honor of M. Hashem Pesaran: Panel Modeling, Micro Applications, and Econometric Methodology, vol. 43B, (Chudik, A., Hsiao, C. and A. Timmermann, eds.), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 307-336.
Bresson, G., Chaturvedi, A., Rahman, A.M. and Shalabh, 2021, Seemingly unrelated regression with measurement error: Estimation via Markov chain Monte Carlo and mean field variational Bayes approximation, International Journal of Biostatistics, 17(1), 75-97, (available online September, 16 2020).
Bresson, G., Lacroix, G. and A.M. Rahman, 2021, Bayesian panel quantile regression for binary outcomes with correlated random effects: An application on crime recidivism in Canada, Empirical Economics, Special Issue on Honouring Professor Badi Baltagi's Contribution to the Field of Econometrics, vol. 60, issue 1, january, 227-259, (available online June, 24 2020).
Bresson, G., 2020, Comments on `An Econometrician's Perspective on Big Data' by Cheng Hsiao, in Advances in Econometrics: Essays in Honor of Cheng Hsiao, vol. 41, (Pesaran, M.H., Li, T. and D. Terrell, eds.), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 431-443.
Baltagi, B.H., Bresson, G. and J.M. Etienne, 2020, Growth empirics: a Bayesian semiparametric model with random coefficients for a panel of OECD countries, in Advances in Econometrics: Essays in Honor of Cheng Hsiao, vol. 41, (Pesaran, M.H., Li, T. and D. Terrell, eds.), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 217-253.
Baltagi, B.H, Bresson, G. and J.M. Etienne, 2019, Carbon dioxide emissions and economic activities: A mean field variational Bayes semiparametric panel data model with random coefficients, Annals of Economics and Statistics, Special Issue on Panel Data, 134, 43-78.
Baltagi, B.H, Bresson, G., Chaturvedi, A. and G. Lacroix, 2018, Robust linear static panel data models using ε-contamination, Journal of Econometrics, 202, 1, 108-123, (available online August, 26 2017).
Baltagi, B.H and G. Bresson, 2017, Modelling housing using multidimensional panel data, in The Econometrics of Multi-Dimensional Panels. Theory and Applications, Mátyás L. (ed.), Springer, New York, 349-376.
Bresson, G., Etienne, J-M. and P. Mohnen, 2016, How important is innovation? A Bayesian factor-augmented productivity model on panel data, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 20, 8, 1987-2009.
Bresson, G., Etienne, J-M. and P. Mohnen, 2015, Inclusive growth and innovation: a dynamic simultaneous equations model on a panel of countries, STI Policy Review, 6, 1, 1-23.
Baltagi, B.H., Bresson, G. and J-M. Etienne, 2015, Hedonic housing prices in Paris: An unbalanced spatial lag pseudo-panel model with nested random effects, Journal of Applied Econometrics, (published online 2014, Feb. 27), 30, 3, 509-528.
Baltagi, B.H. and G. Bresson, 2014, Robust panel data methods and influential observations, in The Oxford Handbook of Panel Data, (Baltagi B.H.,ed.), Chap. 14, Oxford University Press, 418-450.
Baltagi B.H., Bresson G. and A. Pirotte, 2014, Panel unit root tests and spatial dependence, in Panel Data Econometrics, (Baltagi, B.H., Ed), Vol. 1, part. 2, chap. 9, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, series Critical Concepts in Economics, New York (also published in 2007 in the Journal of Applied Econometrics and in 2009 in the Virtual Issue from Journal of Applied Econometrics, Celebrating 25 years of the Journal of Applied Econometrics).
Baltagi, B.H. and G. Bresson, 2012, A robust Hausman-Taylor estimator, in Advances in Econometrics: Essays in Honor of Jerry Hausman, vol. 29, (Baltagi B.H., Carter Hill, R. Newey, W.K. and H.L. White, eds.), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 175-214.
Baltagi, B.H., Bresson, G. and A. Pirotte, 2012, Forecasting with spatial panel data, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56, 11, 3381-3397.
Bresson, G. and C. Hsiao, 2011, A functional connectivity approach for modeling cross-sectional dependence with an application to the estimation of hedonic housing prices in Paris, Advances in Statistical Analysis, 95, 4, 501-529.
Bresson, G., Hsiao, C. and A. Pirotte, 2011, Assessing the contribution of R&D to total factor productivity – a Bayesian approach to account for heterogeneity and heteroscedasticity, Advances in Statistical Analysis, 95, 4, 435-452.
Baltagi, B.H. and G. Bresson, 2011, Maximum likelihood estimation and Lagrange multiplier tests for panel seemingly unrelated regressions with spatial lag and spatial errors: an application to hedonic housing prices in Paris, Journal of Urban Economics, 69, 1, 24-42.
Bresson, G. and K. Logossah, 2011, Crowding-out effects of cruise tourism on stay-over tourism within the Caribbean. Non-parametric panel data evidence, Tourism Economics, 17, 1, 127-158.
Baltagi B.H., Bresson G. and A. Pirotte, 2009, Panel unit root tests and spatial dependence, Virtual Issue from Journal of Applied Econometrics, Celebrating 25 years of the Journal of Applied Econometrics, Dec. 07, 2009. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Journal of Applied Econometrics, a selection of highlights from the last 25 years has been compiled. The articles included in this virtual issue include some of the most downloaded and most cited articles during the JAE's history.
Baltagi B.H, G. Bresson and A. Pirotte, 2009, Testing the fixed effects restrictions? A Monte Carlo study of Chamberlain's minimum Chi-square test, Statistics and Probability Letters, 16(1), 47-51.
Abdelmoula M. and G. Bresson, 2008, Spatial and technological R&D spillovers in European regions: a dynamic count panel data model, Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, (Annals of Economics and Statistics), vol. 88, 1-16.
Baltagi B.H., G. Bresson and A. Pirotte, 2008, To pool or not to pool? in The Econometrics of Panel Data: Fundamentals and Recent Developments in Theory and Practice, (L. Mátyás and P. Sevestre eds.), Series: Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics, Vol. 33, 517-546, Springer-Verlag, New York.
Baltagi B.H., Bresson G. and A. Pirotte, 2007, Panel unit root tests and spatial dependence, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22, 339-360.
Baltagi B.H., Bresson G. and A. Pirotte, 2006, Joint LM test for homoskedasticity in a one-way error component model, Journal of Econometrics, 134, 401-417.
Baltagi B.H., Bresson G. and A. Pirotte, 2005, Adaptive estimation of heteroskedastic error component models, Econometric Reviews, 24, 39-58
Baltagi B.H., G. Bresson and A. Pirotte, 2004, Tobin q : Forecast performance for hierarchical Bayes, shrinkage, heterogeneous and homogeneous panel data estimators, in Panel Data: Theory and Applications, B.H. Baltagi, Eds., Springer Verlag, 107-114.
Bresson G., J. Dargay, J.L Madre and A. Pirotte, 2004, Economic and structural determinants of the demand for public transport. An analysis on a panel of french urban aeras using shrinkage estimators, Transportation Research, Part A, 38, 4, 269-285.
Baltagi B.H., G. Bresson and A. Pirotte, 2004, Tobin q : Forecast performance for hierarchical Bayes, shrinkage, heterogeneous and homogeneous panel data estimators, Empirical Economics, 29, 107-113.
Baltagi B.H., G. Bresson and A. Pirotte, 2003, A comparative study of pure and pretest estimators for a possibly misspecified two-way error component model“ in Advances in Econometrics : Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Misspecified Models : Twenty years later - Essays in Honor of H.L. White, R. Carter Hill and T. Fomby eds., Elsevier Science, vol. 17, 1-27.
Baltagi B.H., G. Bresson, J.M. Griffin and A. Pirotte, 2003, Homogeneous, heterogeneous or shrinkage estimators ? Some empirical evidence from french regional gasoline consumption, Empirical Economics, 28, 795-811.
Baltagi B.H., G. Bresson and A. Pirotte, 2003, Fixed effects, random effects or Hausman-Taylor ? A pretest estimator, Economics Letters, 79, 361-369.
Bresson G., J. Dargay, J.L Madre and A. Pirotte, 2003, The main determinants of the demand for public transport : a comparative analysis of England and France using shrinkage estimators, Transportation Research, Part A, 37, 605-627.
Baltagi B.H., Bresson, G. and A. Pirotte, 2002, Comparison of forecast performance for homogeneous, heterogeneous and shrinkage estimators : some empirical evidence from US electricity and natural-gas consumption, Economics Letters, 76, 375-382.
Bresson G., Kramarz, F. and P. Sevestre, 1996, Dynamic Labour Demand Models, in The Econometrics of Panel Data: Theory and Applications, (Mátyás L. and P. Sevestre, Eds), chap. 25, 2nd edition, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Bresson G. and F. Célimène, 1995, Hystérésis ou persistance du taux de chômage? Un test économétrique sur quelques pays de la zone Caraïbe, Revue d'Economie Politique, 105 (6), 966-998.
Bresson G., Kramarz, F. and P. Sevestre, 1992, Dynamic labour demand Models, in The Econometrics of Panel Data: Theory and Applications, (Mátyás L. and P. Sevestre, Eds), chap. 17, 1st edition, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Bresson G., Kramarz, F. and P. Sevestre, 1992, Heterogeneous labor and the dynamics of aggregate labor demand: some estimations using panel data, Empirical Economics, 17, 153-168.
Bresson G. and C. Mathieu, 1992, Différenciation horizontale et verticale des produits: une application à l'industrie automobile, Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, (Annals of Economics and Statistics),27, 115-148.